Other than manually copy/pasting, what are the various options available for us to manage our Questions and Answers pages between Moodle and Xwiki?
Use case: We have a Moodle instance with thousands of questions and answers in the Content Bank.
We would like to use XWiki as our “single point of truth” between our published books, online courses, printed out paper exams, etc.
First step, we need to find the most efficient way to export all of the Moodle Q&A content, and import them as simple pages (unless there is something better you recommend) into XWiki.
Then we’ll do all of our collaborative editing between teachers and editors in XWiki, and then we’ll copy/paste (unless can find a more efficient bulk export/import options) from XWiki to other locations including Moodle. This is the most important on right now.
Second step. If we can get the mall into XWiki from Moodle. Is there a more efficient option (than copying and pasting) from the XWiki Question and Answer pages to export from XWiki and import into Moodle’s Content Bank?
Thank you for any suggestions you may have!