I am using batch import application to populate my live table, which I have created through AWM. However during mapping I am getting to map only half of the columns. Only the alternate columns are being shown during mapping. Can you help me on it ? Where do I need to do changes so that all the columns are mapped.
Could you please provide more details? It would be interesting to see how the column names look like, maybe they have some special chars, or if all the data types are properly mapped. Also, make sure that all the notes from the “Column mapping” are carefully read.
In order to test your configuration, I created a new application using the AWM, with the same property names and pretty names without being able to reproducing your issue. I would suggest you to do some debugging to find out why there are class properties missing from the UI and the right place to start from is batchimport/xwiki-batchimport-application/src/main/resources/BatchImport/BatchImportMacros.xml at master · xwiki-contrib/batchimport · GitHub.
Hope this helps,
Well, this is not a Batch Import Application issue. Please use a valid csv or xls file in order to get the expected results.
Alex, just now found the actual problem. The csv I was uploading had one column with name Prob(%). It was causing problem. I just renamed it, and now it is working fine.
Don’t know why it happened that way, but now it is wokring.
@nickhil Thanks for posting back. This looks like a bug in the batch import application. Would you mind reporting a jira issue at Loading... ? Thanks!