I’ve been trying for quite some time now to create nested pages under a blog category, but I can’t seem to figure out how to do it.
Currently, when creating a “blog category” via the Categories Panel, the category itself is not visible as a page, and every blog article that’s created regardless of the category it is assigned to sits off the root node (ie Blog > Article). This makes for a very cluttered and disorganized blog.
Ideally, articles should be nested under category pages (ie Blog > Category > Article) when the articles are created, but that’s not what’s happening.
I can do this easily by first creating a page and then nesting a child article under them, but that doesn’t work with the Categories Panel, which has convenient quick links and article totals that are nice to see.
I can get the categories to appear as pages by editing the category and unchecking the “hidden” option that’s enabled by default, but these category pages don’t appear in the Move/Rename page tree nor can they be Administered like other pages can, so nesting under these category pages in this way doesn’t appear feasible.
Is it possible to get categories and nesting to work together? It would be terrific IF, when clicking on the CREATE button while viewing a category, the new article being created was automatically created as a nested page under the category (ie Blog > Category > New Page)
I’m on v11.0.3 of XWiki and v9.10.4 of the Blog application.
Any help and insights would be appreciated. Thanks!
p.s. Another problem with categories is that they don’t seem to have an “Administer Page” option, so it doesn’t appear possible to control access rights to blogs by category.