I use openID auth Azure. When I press LogOut, page is reloaded but user is still signed in.
I set config in Azure
Logout URL
This is where we send a request to have the application clear the user's session data. This is required for single sign-out to work correctly.
Is there sth more that I should do?
Right now the OIDC authenticator only logout on XWiki when you click logout (your Azure auth status does not change). But if you access any non public page of the wiki then the authenticator is called, redirect you to Azure and back on your wiki, authenticated.
Hi @tmortagne ,
Is OIDC Logout is still the same or could we logout both xwiki and microsoft session?
Bino Agustus.
The OIDC logout did not really change much, no.
But there is work started to redo the whole (messy) logout handling to be more accurate, hope it will be finished in the following months. It’s done as part of OIDC-152 if you want to follow it.