Can´t delete or view a page


one user made a page with a pipe ( | ) in the title. Now in the navigation stands “Additional Information” and i can´t view the page (white page).
I tried to delte the page, but nothing worked… I changed /view/ to /delete/ in the URL but nothing happend, only a white page… I tried it under Sub-Pages on the main page but the same only a white page.

Ideas how i can delete this page?

That’s interesting because we’re supposed to support pipes in page names.

I’d like to reproduce this so I need to know the DB and the servlet container you’re using.

Could you explain what navigation you’re referring to? Maybe a screenshot?


Works fine on Jetty+HSQLDB at least. I created a page named A|B (A pipe B).



10.10, Nginx + Tomcat - ok

Are you giving me a config with which you reproduce the issue reported by @MB-gam?

@Rostyslav_Fitsyk if so please first remove Nginx to be sure the problem is with XWiki and not the Nginx config :slight_smile:

Sorry, I just wanted to help and also ran test in a same scenario. No issues detected…

Double fail he used a / and a |

Workplace/Rollout iPhone | Besondernheiten ab iOS 12.1

I think the / is more the problem, even the script from cant do it, the script diviedes the path at the /

ah cool thanks that helps. Sorry, I misunderstood you :wink:

@MB-gam yes I don’t think the pipe is an issue. The / and \ are an issue only if you haven’t configured Tomcat and/or apache properly, see

If i use the delete page progranatically it shows a divide at the pipe ?grafik

Now i have allowed in tomcat / and \ but didn´t help.

I’d say you’re using an incorrect page reference.

Hard to help you since I don’t know your page name/reference… Maybe you could show the URL when you’re on that page. And if you’re using XWiki 11.1RC1+, there’s now the reference displayed in the Information tab at the bottom of pages.

The URL Shows:|%20Besondernheiten%20ab%20iOS%2012.1/


I tried many paths with the delete page progranatically script,


This means a reference of IT-Abteilung.Workplace.Rollout iPhone | Besondernheitenab iOS 12\.1.WebHome.


I tried
IT-Abteilung.Workplace.Rollout iPhone | Besondernheitenab iOS 12.1

Rollout iPhone | Besondernheitenab iOS 12.1.Webhome

and different other combinations… every time, it say that the domument didn´t exits…

This is incorrect. You need to escape the dot. See the reference I gave you in my previous reply :slight_smile:


  • Space = IT-Abteilung.Workplace.Rollout iPhone | Besondernheitenab iOS 12\.1
  • Page = WebHome

Thanks, for the help. He doesn´t find the page…


Every try, he made this gap… and didn´t find it. Have i other options? Delete by file? SQL?

That’s too dangerous! :slight_smile: Let me try your example locally to see if I can reproduce. I’ll need some time to try it out.

Ok I"ve tested locally and it worked fine for me. In your last screenshot there’s something wrong: you seem to have put a leading white space for the space name… :slight_smile:

Sorry, tried it without leading space… didn´t work ether.

I tried now with “links2” Browser on the vm direct, and the URL :|%20Besondernheiten%20ab%20iOS%2012.1/
Link2 shows an “ok” but shows no content…

GOT IT !!! Thanks to everybody and Specially a double thank you to @vmassol !

In the “Delete page programatically” script, i used:

and this worked.