Creating a convient XWiki Dashboard + Navigation

How to create a convient XWiki Dashboard + Navigation?

Without customizing the Dashboard and Navigation is not very useful or convient to use.

Is there a how to or helpful documentation how to create something like a really nice Dashboard to make XWiki more helpful?

Have a short glimpse how it look right now:

Than - I don’t remember the name of the extension, but why does it come along with such an aweful navigation?

Thanks for your help!


No there’s no way because we don’t want XWiki to be useful and we don’t like nice UIs…

Because we don’t want anybody to use XWiki obviously. Or maybe we’re such lousy developers…

More seriously… Those 2 sentences of yours are detrimental and I have no strong interest in helping someone who doesn’t respect the work done. Especially since I’m replying in my free time and on my holidays…

You should rephrase your post and instead of whining, formulate a real question about what you’d like to achieve specifically…

I don’t know either the name of the extension, but it would be useful to find out and report an issue to mark technical pages as hidden. Until the next release, you could mark them manually as Hidden from the Edit mode.

Regarding ‘useful’ navigation and dashboard, I think usefulness is very subjective. We only have generic documentation and the user is the only one that can tweak it the way he wants (alone or with professional help).


  1. Don’t blame others if you prefer to spend your free time inside a forum instead of anything else - it’s simply your decision.
  2. The navigation in XWiki is - at least at the moment at least not to be stated as self explaining or convient. XWiki is fine and I would not use it if I would not believe in it’s use ore need, but perhaps you could try to accept user reaction - so irony is not the best reaction in your place…
  3. Icons are fine, but have prooven to be at least misinterpretable
  4. The XWiki Documentation is well done, but also sometimes in many cases lost in old releases and often does not lead users to the thinks they are searching for. There are also serval places where and how to get lost. Beside - from the professional side - we did not got even response until today.

So than do not help anymore - that’s fine for me. In the other cases I have asked for “How to’s” the final answers where also hints to certain documentation links. That’s fine so far, but I would recommend to think about something like “That should be your first steps in getting started in XWiki”.

If you understand XWiki to be your baby or whatever than I would think it another way.
But it’s your choice and decision.

Best regards

What I would request is an improvement of the navigation bar, so that users could drag and drop pages. I even do not know how to do it right now. Page renaming is the second thing that could come smoothly by hand.

@Sascha Maybe I wasn’t that clear in my answer. I understood your post as simply complaining but without asking any real question.

You asked only 2 questions in your post and I’m pasting them here:

  • “Is there a how to or helpful documentation how to create something like a really nice Dashboard to make XWiki more helpful?”
  • “I don’t remember the name of the extension, but why does it come along with such an aweful navigation?”

How do you expect anyone to answer those questions?

If the question was: “is there a howto to create a dashboard”, then the answer is yes and I can provide a link to it, that’s easy. But if we knew how to make a “nice” one then we would do it by default obviously. So there’s no answer to that. You didn’t even mention what you meant by “nice”…

As fo the second question, you simply stated that the default navigation panel was “awful” but without explaining why you think so and what you’d propose to improve it…

If you wish to contribute back, at least help us to improve XWiki by suggesting what should be improved . But please don’t say that what we do is not useful or awful, that doesn’t help…


I agree. See Loading...

You don’t know how to rename a page? Could you explain what you’re doing so that we understand what’s the usability issue for you?

Maybe would help. However i’s supposed to be so simple that it doesn’t require reading any doc so I’m interested to understand better why you can’t do it (you’re the first user I remember who’s reporting a problem to rename a page).

I totally agree to this. Sorry if I have been misunderstandable in my critics - that was not in my intention. I really like XWiki and even the forum here is well organized. There is also plenty of well written documentation, but simply new users get lost.

I simply just tried to give a honest - whining - feedback after I did not found what I was searching for and after I did not found where to influence the navigation part.

The point where it is not possible to rename the Page name is within this extention, which I installed in following of one of your guidelines in order to get an useful support of project management.


Maybe the extension is of another need or useful later. For this reason I tried to hide or rename it. At the moment I would like to reorganize the navigation and applications so that naming makes sence for all users.

I have no idea what extension you’re talking about but it’s certainly not an extension supported by the XWiki Core Dev Team. If you’re talking about check the authors and you"ll see that it’s been contributed by 2 persons: Ludovic Dubost and Yann Flory.

I have no idea how this extension works and what it’s supposed to do.

Allright, the “bug” inside the extension might be that it’s side effect is that it does appear within the navigation and is of no usage there… So it would be really nice to have the opportunity to influence the Navigation to set some tree parts to invisible or hidden for navigation bar…

xwiki/bin/admin/XWiki/XWikiPreferences?editor=globaladmin&section=panels.navigation doesn’t help ?