We have an xwiki instance with around 2000 users. We use Blog application to push some news to our users.
All our 2000+ users have the same filters to get notified of new posts creation.
Whereas users number is regularly growing, number of email sent is always around 1010 (+ or - 3) instead of 2000.
Have you already figured this out ? Do you know a limitation on number of emails to send ?
We can see this logs around 1010 times at each publication :
[Asynchronous handler for event store [solr]] ERROR c.DefaultEventConverterManager - Failed to convert local event [event: [org.xwiki.eventstream.events.MailEntityDeleteEvent@76d7e90a], source: [Optional[event = [BlogPostPublishedEvent at 2023…
Configuration : XWiki V14.10.0 / MySQL 5 / Tomcat 9 / Cluster mode with detached Solr
I think this might be related to a couple of queue sizes that you can configure in xwiki.properties which indeed have a default of 1000. According to the documentation, further emails should block and wait but maybe that’s not actually the case or maybe there is a timeout. So you could try increasing these numbers.
Now these errors look like there might be another bug with the blog post, but not sure, I’m not that familiar with these remote events, maybe somebody else can help here.
I’ll try with this values :
“# mail.sender.sendQueueCapacity = 5000”
“# mail.sender.prepareQueueCapacity = 5000”
but I’ve to wait a few weeks to validate it in a production environment. I’ll write down results in this thread