Export multiple pages


We are using XWiki as our knowledge base and documentation of our framework. We are mainly (if not only) using XWiki as a wiki (no blog, no Apps in minutes), with pages describing each functionnalities of our framework.

We also are using XWiki as a contractual document for our subcontractors. As of today, each release of the framework also implies a release of the XWiki. Each release is fairly complex, we have hundred of pages in this XWiki.

As a temporary solution to give subcontractors a static version of the framework documentation for each release, we use the XAR export and subwikis features to manage multiple instances of our framework documentation (and keep historic of all the versions).

This is not ideal as (if I’m not mistaken) you need Admin rights to do a XAR export and I don’t wan’t to give admin rights to anyone.

Is there a way to do this in a more convenient way with XWiki ?

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Hi zwindler! :slight_smile:

I don’t understand the need.If you give a XAR export to subcontractor then they’ll need an XWiki instance to read those XARs. That doesn’t look convenient. Why not export in HTML or PDF instead?

Yes sorry it’s not clear in my message (because it’s a weird way to use XWiki, I admit)

We are releasing the XAR packages to subwikis that are just in read only.

But that would be better if we could publish a real static image of the wiki at a given time.

As for PDF export, if I’m not mistaken, you can only publish one page at a time (not convenient in our case) and for HTML, I think that macro are not displayed and we rely heavily on them (mainly for navigation but also for TOC, code, etc)

Still trying to understand your need :slight_smile:

Is your need the following:

  • You use the main wiki to document what correspond to the latest version of your software
  • When you release your software you want to copy the content (or some subcontent) of the main wiki into a subwiki, thus corresponding to the documentation for that released version of your software

Is that correct?

If so, the best is probably to write a script in a wiki page on the main wiki that will automatically create the subwiki and copy the content.

Let me know if I understood your need!

That’s it !

I never thought of scripting it and it’s indeed a good idea because the process is tedious for power users who are doing the releases. They don’t really complain but this is manual task today that should be automated.

The issue is that I have absolutely no idea how to do this in XWiki. Can you point me where to look ?

Some pointers/ideas:

I don’t know when I’ll look into this but this is really promising for our usecase

Thanks Vincent