I’m running xwiki 12.2.1.
I’ve set up the FAQ Application via AppsWithinMinutes per the docs page. I have the permissions set on the parent so that the group XWikiAllGroup has View on this page and all children. I see my FAQ inside the list of children.
Admins are able to view the entries in the FAQ, but non-admins can view the FAQ page, but the list does not populate with any entries. Can someone please point me in the right direction?
This appears to be some sort of permissions issue. When I give the XWikiAllGroup global permission to “Program” then the FAQ will load correctly. But I don’t think that’s the correct answer so I’ll have to continue investigating this. Giving them “Script” rights does not resolve the issue.
Tracked down the issue.
Someone has explicitly set “View” permissions on the bin/view/XWiki page and it’s children, which means access to this page and it’s children is restricted from XWikiAllGroup. Since the macro that populates the FAQ table is located under here, it’s getting a 403 when it tries to run this macro.
Resolved this by unticking the “View” permission.