Hello, please help me, after update (I’m not sure) to v14.1 option “Forgot your username” not work. When i enter an existing e-mail i receive: “An unknown problem occurred while sending the forgot username email.” Specifically: “javax.mail.MessagingException: Current user [null] has no permission to view Mail Template Document [xwiki:XWiki.ForgotUsernameMailContent]”.
What could be the reason?
Option “Forget password” working property.
This seems to happen when unregistered users are prevented from viewing pages per override-all setting.
I managed to fix this by disabling this, excluding unregistered users from viewing etc. as a default page setting in the XWiki administration
and allowing unregistered users access to xwiki:XWiki.ForgotUsernameMailContent
I have a different problem, though. When using subwikis with local users only, the username-forgot or password-forgot options don’t work at all because the sending of the respective e-mails is obviously handled by the main wiki - which does not know the local users of the subwikis.
This seems to suggest that you are using an old version of XWiki as this problem was fixed in XWiki 13.1 (XWiki does not rely on a wiki page for this feature anymore).
That’s not entirely true: we still rely on the ForgotUsernameMailContent as template for the mail content, so looks like the bug has not been entirely fixed because of that.
Well, whatever your reply refers to (the mail template error or the password recovery problem), we are using 14.1 and both problems are still an issue. As for the latter, I created a JIRA issue: Loading...