Help Please. I installed extensions but not shown

I use xwiki well on synology NAS.
Someday the power was out. And after power on, xwiki has something wrong.

I installed some extensions but xwiki shows like this

“There are no extensions installed.”

So I tried to install again the same extension already installed.
And then xwiki occur errors again.
Then admin account can not access any pages with this comments

“You are not allowed to view this page or perform this action.”

Please comments anything I can try.

Please provide tomcat log (something like /var/log/tomcat/catalina.out)

Hi amadis…
This is file you might said ^^;

catalina.out.txt (348.9 KB)

Thank you for helping me.

It is fixed.
I didn’t anything But It is fixed.
I think NAS(synology) had do something like recovery.