Thanks. I fixed the title by hard-coding the product and version for now. @vmassol you should check the release notes sheet, it seems the $product
and $version
Velocity variables used in the release notes title are not evaluated properly when the page title is rendered in the breadcrumbs.
Yes the title should never depend on the content since it’s not always executed first (or at all) when executing the title.
Thanks @mflorea . Could you tell me where you changed this, I couldn’t find it?
Note that the title defined in the sheet at seems good to me since it’s self standing with: #set($version=$doc.getObject("ReleasePlans.ReleasePlanClass").getProperty("version").getValue())#if("$!version" != "")Release Plan for version $version#{else}New Release Plan for version $request.version#end
I’ve also created a new RP to check it out and the breadcrumbs seem good:
See . The previous title was the one generated when the release page was created, see . I created the release notes page for 12.10.7 from using the “Add Release Note” button. See the version summary “New Release note”, I didn’t put that, it’s the comment set by the Release Notes application code I assume.
Thanks. I now see the issue in the breadcrumb for I’ll work on it.
I’ve now fixed it by improving the template title content: Release Notes for $doc.getValue('product') $doc.getValue('version')
. See