Hello everyone,
My name is Kang Breder Mbulle and I am a student from the University of Buea. I am also a GSoC 2021 aspirant. I just saw this organisation on the GSoC page and it is very interesting to me. I wish to contribute code to this project. I have some basic knowledge of Java and I am willing to learn more. Can someone here please guide me on how to get started?
Thank you!
Hello Kang_breder, Please go over the XWiki gsoc guidelines page here (https://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/GoogleSummerOfCode/Guidelines to get more details on various proposed projects
Thank you for your response @sachin10101998 . I have gone through the list of projects. I am interested in the project " WebHooks for XWiki". I will like to get some more details and guidance on how to go about the project. Can I also please get a link to XWiki source repository?
Hi there. Anything related to the development of xwiki is available at https://dev.xwiki.org/
Hello @Kang_Breder , for getting more details about the project and to get more acquainted with the community, I’d suggest you join the Community’s matrix channel. Mentors of all projects are present there and would be able to guide you better.
For “Webhooks for XWIKI”, you can refer to the project description page here: https://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/GoogleSummerOfCode/WebHooksforXWiki2021 .