Introduction, Hi I'm Dhruv

Hello community, I am Dhruv Singh Negi, a second year B.Tech student at Noida Institute of Engineering Technology. I want to participate in the GSoC 2023. I am proficient in Html, css , javascript and reactjs.
There are no proposed projects at the moment. Looking forward for some guidance.
Thank You.

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Hi Dhruv and welcome !

Yes, we did not start listing new ideas, but Org Applications opens in about 2 weeks, so we are not that late :wink:

In any case, that’s not necessarily the most important right now, and you might want to get more familiar with the XWiki product itself before diving into any specific idea. Then there will most probably soon be new ideas listed for 2023, or you can also take a look at past but not selected ideas.

Thanks for the reply, should i start by reading the online documentation at

The best is to look at XWiki @ Google Summer of Code 2023 - XWiki.

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