And then when I add them back, saves come back to internal error.
I tried different emojis : Doesn’t seem like it’s the emoji type that causes the problem
But it seems that when I place emojis in specific places in the table it doesn’t work
How exactly have you added the emoji? Manually typing, via editor or from OS keyboard? And what type of error you’ve received? I’ve checked, and all three types of emojis are displayed in the table’s cell.
It’s not your fault. It seems still uses MariaDB utf8 charset (which does not support emojis despite its name) instead of utf8mb4 (which support emojis).
It’s a surprise for me, as I thought we converted it a while ago. Will fix it ASAP.
Should be OK now. Note that I did not convert the whole instance as it would take way too long, but the main wiki (which also impact future created wikis) and kan wiki now are.
Hi! We also edit the article with the emoji “palm_tree” and receive an error “Failed to save the page. Reason: Server not responding”. We updated version XWiki`s to version 14.10.3, but we still receive this error regardless.
Could you, please, tell us about what we have to do to solve this problem?
I don’t know your infrastructure but it looks like a database encoding issue. For instance, you can read the mysql installation documentation for mysql (or the respective documentation for another database engine).
PS: Next time it is better for everybody if you create a new post as your question is only loosely related to the initial question (and the initial one has already been solved).