LDAP Authenticator - Page create with group


I have installed and configure extension LDAP Authenticator.
It works fine.

I have configure mapping group between LDAP and XWIKI.

When i am connected with LDAP account where a group mapping is configured in LDAP authentificator, the group is created and a sub-page of [Home] with the name of the group is created too …

Why a sub-page is created under Home page ? How can i configured where the page is created (not under home page) ?

Thanks for your help,


What exactly did you indicated in the mapping configuration ? Feels like you forgot the XWiki. prefix to XWiki.MyGroup as shown in the examples and this subpage is actually your group (groups are wiki pages, like many things in XWiki).


Thanks for your help.
In fact, i forgot the prefix Xwiki. in mapping group … sorry.
