Link multiple navigation entries to one page


is it possible to link from multiple navigation entries to the same page?
Like an hard or simlink?

We’ve diffrent entieties with the same content and it could be fine when we link multiple entries to the same page. The best effort is, when it work like an hardlink with different acls,…

Thank for replys,



I’m not fully sure to see your need. Do you want to:


when I’ve multiple Entierties (wich use theire own areas)


  • all
    – ent1
    — content1
    — content2
  • ent2
    — content3
    — content4

Now both’ve the same content (content2 = content4) it is usefull to work on same and 've not a split.
Even, when ent1 have no read right on ent2 (this should be the best, but not neccesary for now)

Redirect shouldn’t work in that scenario, but I will 've a look at include

Thank you
