I am trying to implement Task Manager in our Wiki. Is there any way to display all tasks in a project on a new page? For Example I want all the tasks for Project X displayed on page X and all the Tasks for Project Y should be displayed on page Y.
It is possible to do this via the Kanban macro, but I have not found any way to solely display the tasks on a new page. Is this possible?
Do you mean that you’re using https://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Task%20Manager%20Application ?
And that you’d like to have several task managers in your wiki, for different projets?
From what I see at https://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Task%20Manager%20Application it doesn’t currently support several usages (at least it’s not documented). I’ve checked Loading... and I don’t see an issue for this. You could create one.
I’ve noticed Loading... which seems to indicate that the kanban macro supports what you ask though (except it doesn’t work with nested pages but if you don’t use them it should work).
Yes I am Using Task Manager Application and that is what I am trying to do. I don’t necessarily need serveral usages. Thats why I wanted to display the tasks per project on multiple pages.
It is possible via Kanban Macro as you said, but I’d like to display the Tasks just like on the Task Manager Application page. But it seems like the only way this is possible right now is using the Kanban Macro.