Hello all.
I have the following issue with Menu Application:
When i choose {{menu type=“vertical collapsible”}} and save, in the menu page it’s all ok (i mean, by default the children pages are “closed” and we see only the parent pages).
When i add the menu on the left panel i have a double arrows issue (one open and one close) and also i see all the menu (parent + children pages).
So, is there any way to make it work properly or it is some bug of version 12.10?
Hello all.
Anyone know about this issue? Or need more information?
My basic problem is that on https://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Menu%20Application
it is written:
- collapsible, makes a vertical menu collapsible (requires JavaScript)
- open, makes a collapsible vertical menu expanded by default (when the page is loaded)
So i type only: {{menu type=“vertical collapsible”}}, but my menu on the panel goes expanded!!
*On the other hand, on the Look and Feel->Menus ->MyMenu it is ok. (Not expanded, I see only parent pages)