Migrating 9.11 xwiki from glassfish 4.1 -> tomcat 8.5

Trying to migrate an xwiki 9.11 site from glassfish 4.1 to tomcat 8.5. The main page comes up, but users can’t login and only one email address comes back as having a username. Not much xwiki experience here so this may be something very basic. Thanks for any help getting me in the right direction.

Hi jeremyinmt, Have you checked for any information in the Tomcat catalina.out log file? Also, you may want to login as a superadmin (see the superadmin account section on the XWiki.org Security documentation page) and check that the users still exist in the wiki indeed? (they should, but just in case) What happens if you reset the password of one of them? Does the authentication succeed?
