Hi all, I just realized the past 2 -3 days that my xwiki site does not produce application logs at all. I can see the container (tomcat) logs in catalinaxxxx file, but nothing logged from xwiki (I checked all files under tomcat\logs). It is probably just my lack of understanding of xwiki design w.r.t logging.
Here is what I have tried:
Changed logging setting from the Admin UI (Logging Application?)
Changed logback.xml to log to files directly
My setup:
CentOS 7
Tomcat 7
XWiki is at root, not under /xwiki in the url
Any pointer on how to proceed next is highly appreciated
XWiki does not do anything special regarding logs, by default it just direct it to standard output so you will have to look at Tomcat setup. Maybe you have some configuration to have a separate log for each tomcat application (which is not the default).
After about 1.5 day trying to fix, I “gave up” Somehow I had suspicion that it got something to do with directory permissions and decided just to reinstall Tomcat. After re-installation, all works fine. I am curious though to know how to systematically find out that directory permission is the culprit.