Moving "Polls" page will break "Recent Polls" pannel

Hello again

I tried to move the “Home\Polls” page to another page than “Home” … doing so will break the “Recent Polls” panel … if you move back the “Polls” page to Home, this does not restore the functionality … one needs to uninstall the extension and reinstall it …

As am relatively new to xWIKI, I could not really understand why this is happening. The Panel contains some Velocity code:


Well, there is the name “polls” in the path which I assume might refer to the page … but the page itself was not renamed, only moved … or does “polls” refer to “Home\Polls”??? But why does it not recover if one moves back the “Polls” page to Home?

Anyway, if someone has a minute to shed some light on how this works and how I could move the “Polls” page under a page which is based under Home, I would appreciated it.

Thank you


Right now you cannot move applications without editing them and fixing the various references they have. What you pointed out is just a translation string and doesn’t correspond to any location so that’s fine.

OTOH if a page having an xclass is moved, then all pages using xobjects from this xclass will contain invalid references to the xclass. Same will happen with class binding sheet references.


Thank you for explaining the internals about this. To many terms I know nothing about yet … I’ll try to find some documentation on the concepts as soon as time permits. Important to know that this is not as simple as it looks on first sight (at least to me) and that this behavior is by design …

My attempt was to “unclutter” the Home node from things I don’t need all the time (like the Polls page) and move them to a node with all the “internal” pages … maybe old school :wink:

Best regards


The best doc to understand this is to follow this tutorial:

We would like to make moving applications possible in the future. We just haven’t implemented it yet. There’s a jira issue about it but I can’t find it right now :wink:

Yeah, you’ll have better success if you do the opposite and instead create a top-level “Content” page/space where you’ll put all your content. You can then modify the Navigation panel to display all pages under “Content” to hide the rest.

Excellent advice - thank you!