No extension can be found

Hello, new user here.

I have already installed an extension, but suddenly(?), since yesterday, it is not possible to browse public extensions anymore. The error message is:

No recommended extension could be found matching ‘’, displaying results of the search in All Extensions.

This is using XWiki on Debian/Ubuntu and MariaDB, without Docker.

On which side is the error?

Secondly, where would such things be logged? The file catalina-(datestamp) in tomcat9 directory is not very verbose.

Thanks and kind regards


do you still have the error or do you manage to get the extensions now?

It happened in the past that this kind of error was related to an infra issue on our side, but apparently here I can see the extensions loaded properly.

Catalina-datestamp is the journalized log, the current one is always catalina.out. Note that by default we try to keep it not too verbose so that errors are quickly visible. You have more information there about the logs:


thank you for reading and replying!

The error still persists. When I go to (a related URL that I found elsewhere in the forum), I get results (at the bottom of this post). Strange, because it worked yesterday. Last thing I did was trying to set up tls for ldap (unsuccessfully).

I have seen the documentation regarding logging, but cannot comprehend it. I come from a “traditional” background, and these tomcat specialities are rather new to me.

Kind regards

[Edit: taking the liberty to remove the answer from since it’s making the post more difficult to read and doesn’t bring much info]

Did you performed changes in related to the Extensions (basically in this section: xwiki-platform/xwiki-platform-tools/xwiki-platform-tool-configuration-resources/src/main/resources/ at master · xwiki/xwiki-platform · GitHub)

And when you go in Administration > Extensions, do you see any 404 answer when you look in the network tab, or any error in the browser console?
I expect that you already check catalina.out and didn’t see any error there?


no, I did not edit this file (is it important?).

In catalina.2020-10-29.log, there is nothing regarding extensions.

There is a 404 error in the console:


Is this relevant to the issue?

So it means you’re using the default values which are supposed to work.

It might be. Which version of XWiki are you using?


version is XWiki Debian 12.8. The exact 404 error message is, copied from console:

[HTTP/1.1 404 129ms]