I freshly installed an XWiki 14.0 using the docker image behind an nginx (with ssl termination).
I installed the “Realtime WYSIWYG Editor 14.0” extension
When I open the “Home” page I already see the following error in the Console
require.min.js?r=1:5 GET https://xwiki.mydomain.de/bin/view/Main/xwiki-realtime-wysiwyg-inline.js net::ERR_ABORTED 404
When I open “Home” with the life-editor, when I see in the console additional errors:
ckeditor.js:93 GET https://xwiki.mydomain.de/bin/get/CKEditor/ConfigoutputSyntax=plain&t=M0RC net::ERR_ABORTED 404 …
requirejs @ require.min.js?r=1:5
(anonymous) @ EditSheet?language=en&docVersion=1.1&v=1.59&xwiki-version=14.0&fast-diff-version=&bs3typeahead-version=4.0.2:20
The service worker navigation preload request was cancelled before ‘preloadResponse’ settled. If you intend to use ‘preloadResponse’, use waitUntil() or respondWith() to wait for the promise to settle.
wysiwygEditor.js:756 Unlocking editor
When I now join with another user to edit the page, then I at first can join the session and also see the other users (using two browsers on the same machine). But when I try to edit anything e.g. enter a space, then I get the following error:
You’ve lost the connection to the collaborative session.
The editor has been set to read-only mode while we try to reconnect.
And the editor goes into an endless loop:
Connection status: false
wysiwygEditor.js:791 Connection status: true
wysiwygEditor.js:756 Unlocking editor
wysiwygEditor.js:791 Connection status: false
wysiwygEditor.js:791 Connection status: true
wysiwygEditor.js:756 Unlocking editor
wysiwygEditor.js:791 Connection status: false
And a stack of these messages:
The service worker navigation preload request was cancelled before ‘preloadResponse’ settled. If you intend to use ‘preloadResponse’, use waitUntil() or respondWith() to wait for the promise to settle.
Anything I can do here? Is the initial 404 the root cause?