Reminder: Second evaluation deadline on Friday, July 31st 18:00 UTC (in 1 week)

Hello, GSoC students and mentors.

I would like to remind you that the second evaluation deadline is approaching at the end of next week. Below is an extract from the timeline:

July 27 18:00 UTC Mentors and students can begin submitting Phase 2 evaluations
July 31 18:00 UTC Phase 2 Evaluation deadline

Same as last time:

  • make sure you are clear on the expectations,
  • make sure you get to release a new version of your project that includes the work you have done so far and
  • do not forget to fill in your evaluations when asked by Google.

You should be quite far now into your projects and things should have already begun taking shape. Don’t be shy in sharing your progress :wink:

As always, have fun and build cool stuff!

-The XWiki Development Team