We would like to have specific groups to have rights to delete and rename content. However, to ensure the correct working of our farm, we would like to limit the rename action to only spaces within a certain xwiki.
We modified the menu to have the rename option available only on certain pages. But how can we limit where they are allowed to move something to?
Note that another, less custom, way to control that is through the DELETE right (you need delete right to be allowed to move something away).
Right now you can move a document to any location where you have EDIT right. Controlling the target would require to customize the move UI, but I won’t be of a great help on this since I don’t know its code very well.
Thank you Thomas.
To explain why we did it this way:
We have structured data (with classes) and unstructured data (xwiki pages).
You can delete a structured data page, through our UI and disabled the more menu where delete is.
We only want to allow the movement of unstructured data within the unstructured data spaces.
Thanks for you response.