As mentionned in the title, I have a class which contain as property a list of String and I would like to request in an XWQL document by a value in this list
for exemple in Java
String statement =
"from doc.object(MySpace.OIDCClass) as client where client.maintainers LIKE :username";
List<String> clients = null;
try {
String usernameLike = "%"+username+"%";
clients =
this.queryManager.createQuery(statement, Query.XWQL)
.bindValue("username", username)
I also tried with an IN clause where client.maintainers IN (:username)"
but it doesn’t really have sense
To simplify I would like some thing like `where client.maintainers CONTAINS (:username)"``
So the property maintainers
is a List of string (I’m not using XWikiUser class for some reasons) how could I request for document where one item of the maintainers list contain an occurence of my search (in that case username)
I could consider HQL too, but I don’t really know how the list of string is represented in the database or entities from a xwiki point of view
Maybe the solution and a sample could appears here