Request for

I would like to evaluate if XWiki can replace Confluence our company + Having my own private individual Wiki.

owner name:
Michael Fluck / user MichaelF

wiki name:

Many many thanks!

Hi, If you want to evaluate it you should try the Cloud version from Try.
MyXWiki is for non-profit and also has some rights restrictions.

Yes might not be the best to evaluate XWiki because of the following limitations:

  • can’t use scripting languages like Groovy or Python for example (anything but Velocity)
  • can’t install JAR extensions
  • any extension that require programming right won’t work after you install it

So it depends what is your need exactly.

Thanks for your reply. I know and understand your arguments, this would be one of the next steps. Anyway there is the second purpose to use it for my own and get more used to xwiki.

You can access your wiki on

Enjoy !

Thank you !