Search does not find pages in "XWiki 2.1"-syntax

Dear community,

we recently installed xwiki (version 11.10.4) and are using “embedded Solr” as search engine. At first everything worked as exspected.

Then we activated “Markdown 1.2” as additional syntax. What happens now, is that only pages are found, which had been created using markdown. All the pages created using “XWiki 2.1”-syntax are not found anymore.

If pages had been created using “XWiki 2.1”-syntax and then converted to markdown, those pages are also NOT found by the search engine. And if new pages are created in “XWiki 2.1”-syntax, those pages are also not found.

We already tried different things: restart, reindexing, change to Hibernate-search-engine, … and so on. Nothing worked.

Then i tried to find a matching property in solr config, but i found this config to be much to long and complicated to find a solution in manageable time.

Do you have an idea how to solve this or is this maybe a known problem?

Thank you.

I’ve tried to reproduce and couldn’t. I don’t see what the syntax would change. Each page is indexed when it’s crated, changes are made to it or when it’s deleted. There’s no filter on the syntax.

What I did:

  • Install a clean XWiki 12.4
  • Search for “Create your application” and verify it returns the home page
  • Install the latest Markdown 1.2 extension
  • Activate markdown 1.2 in the list of syntaxes in the admin
  • Create a page in markdown 1.2 syntax
  • Try to search again for “Create your application”
  • It returned the home page.

So I don’t have any idea at this stage and it’s hard to help you without logs or being able to reproduce.


In the meantime we have set up a new instance of xwiki using version 12. In this new instance we activated the markdown syntax and did some testing; everything works as it should and all pages are found by the search, regardless which syntax is used.

From our point of view, it maybe was a problem in xwiki version 11, or it happened to be broken because we played with some plugins and settings after installation. We did NOT mess with any of the configuration files directly.

However, after switching to a “clean” version 12 instance, the error no longer occurred.

Thank you for the effort
