Since upgrade to 10.11.9 all application panel links are incorrect (solved)

We have xWiki installed in Tomcat 9 in the ROOT folder.

I upgraded our wikis from 8.4.2 to 10.11.9. After the update, all Appwithinminutes links in the Application panel (including the AppWithinMinutes) are incorrect because they have doubled the bin folder in the URL.

For example I get
instead of

It appears that links everywhere else in the wiki are fine. To make things slightly more troubling, when I go into Admin Wiki mode and go to the Panel List, then try to hit the “Page Layout” tab, I get no response… it will not show.

I’d like to see if there is a solution to this before I rollback. We were having major solr suggest issues (we have an enormous wiki) which is why I upgraded… and this version seems to have fixed that issue.

The icons next to the application links are broken as well because they also probably have wrong url’s.

Here is the code in the panel:

{{velocity output=“false”}}
macro (displayAppPanelEntry $params)
#if ($params.icon.startsWith(‘icon:’))
#set ($icon = $services.icon.renderHTML($params.icon.substring(5)))
#set ($icon = $services.rendering.render($services.rendering.parse(“image:${params.icon}”, ‘xwiki/2.1’),

  • $icon $escapetool.xml($params.label)
  • #end

    macro (maybeDisplayAppPanelEntry $uix $configDoc)
    #set ($params = $uix.getParameters())
    #set ($blackListObj = $configDoc.getObject(‘PanelsCode.ApplicationsPanelBlackListClass’, ‘applicationId’, $
    #set ($targetReference = $services.model.resolveDocument($
    #if (!$blackListObj && “$!params.icon” != ‘’ && “$!params.label” != ‘’ && “$!” != ‘’
    && $‘view’, $targetReference))

    macro (displayAppPanelEntries $extensionPointId $configDoc)

    Get all UIX and sort them

    #set ($apps = )
    #foreach ($uix in $services.uix.getExtensions($extensionPointId, {‘sortByParameter’: ‘label’}))
    #set ($app = {‘uix’: $uix})
    #set ($orderObj = $configDoc.getObject(‘PanelsCode.ApplicationsPanelOrderClass’, ‘applicationId’, $
    #if ($orderObj)
    #set ($discard = $app.put(‘order’, $orderObj.getValue(‘order’)))
    ## if order is not set, set MAX_INTEGER
    #set ($discard = $app.put(‘order’, 2147483647))
    #set ($discard = $apps.add($app))

    Sort the apps

    #foreach ($app in $sorttool.sort($apps, ‘order’))
    #maybeDisplayAppPanelEntry($app.uix, $configDoc)

    #set ($discard = $xwiki.ssx.use(‘Panels.Applications’))
    #set ($discard = $xwiki.jsx.use(‘Panels.Applications’))



      ## Get the blacklist configuration #set ($configDoc = $xwiki.getDocument($services.model.createDocumentReference('', 'PanelsCode', 'ApplicationsPanelConfiguration'))) #displayAppPanelEntries('org.xwiki.platform.panels.Applications' $configDoc)


    If I hit “Preview” on the panel, the icons and the links work fine.


    This sounds like badly configured webapp path when you use short URL. Take a look at the property xwiki.webapppath in xwiki.cfg.

    Yep, that was it! Thanks!

    You’re welcome :slight_smile: