Sync LDAP Groups using Kerberos

Hi, i’ve just got my xwiki up and running. The next step was using LDAP for checking the user credentials against the active directory and syncing some groups, which also worked successfully.

Now i try to switch to Kerberos login. The standard Kerberos login is already working, any previous logged in user can now. But how do get the AD/LDAP groups synced?
As far as i understood i have to create a new authclass using the java code of:
But where should i put this code? Do i have to modify the content of the jar-files?
Anything else i have to take care of?

Thanks in advance,

Or - is there a way to start the LDAP group mapping manually / by scheduler, even if authlass is set to AppServerTrustedKerberosAuthServiceImpl login and not to XWikiLDAPAuthServiceImpl?

How do you handle your SingleSignOn-Logins in your XWiki? Do you have another way for this? The documentation is not very clear about the possibilities.