The environment prevents the table from loading data


i found this problem in internet many times but there is no solution for this.
I have the newest wiki installed and the problem cames by editing a group…


AdminGroupsSheet?language=en&docVersion=1.1:15 Uncaught TypeError: this.removeClass is not a function
at HTMLDivElement. (AdminGroupsSheet?language=en&docVersion=1.1:15)
at HTMLDivElement. (jquery.js:9450)
at Function.each (jquery.js:365)
at n.fn.init.each (jquery.js:137)
at Object. (jquery.js:9449)
at i (jquery.js:3187)
at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.js:3317)
at z (jquery.js:8757)
at XMLHttpRequest. (jquery.js:9123)

The Extensionmanager has a problem too - its still loading the page but is never finish

Can anybody help me?

Thanks, Daniel

Now i upgrade to 13.6 … the problem is still there :frowning:

I’d suggest to check if you haven’t made changes to xwiki pages in your wiki by comparing your wiki pages with the distribution. See

The problem with the extensions is not so bad and has lowlevel priority.

But the “The environment prevents the table form loading data” problem is not so good, because i cant push a user out of a group or push into another group.

The solution you posted is only for the extension?

greez Daniel

What extension?

I’m suggesting to check the whole XS stadard flavor for diffs.

The menu point extrensions found nothing - because the wiki server is behind a proxy. I set the proxy in java but it dosnt work :frowning:

How can i check the xs (what is this?) standard flavor?

Sorry for my english and knowledge, Daniel

When in doubt please google! I’m sure it’ll take you a few seconds to find your answer. It’s always better than taking the time of community members (since their time is precious as they could be working on improving XWiki or fixing bugs instead).

Example to search in google: “what is a flavor in xwiki”

thanks, i try it