The style of the AWM control is different from the others


I change the height of the controls:

// == Components
// ## Define common padding and
@ padding-base-vertical: 6px; //// 8px;


// ** Default `.form-control` height
// @ input-height-base: (@ line-height-computed + (@ padding-base-vertical * 1.37) + 2); //// * 2
@put-height-base: (@ line-height-computed + (@ padding-base-vertical * 1.37) + 2); ////* 2

Noticed that unlike the rest, some controls do not change their style:

Who would tell me why and how to fix it?


Because those controls don’t use the less variables you modified. They either use other variables or don’t use less at all. The styles of the selectize widget for instance are loaded from a WebJar as plain CSS so yes, they are not affected by your change.

Overwrite the padding with CSS, using more specific selectors.


And is it possible to unify all controls so that they look the same by default? Or is it too specific and insignificant?

The selectize widget comes with a less file that uses Bootstrap variables, but the problem is that we don’t have yet support for evaluating a less file loaded from a WebJar (in the context of the current color theme). So we load instead the plain CSS file for now.