After installing and testing XWiki v14.2.1 I see two issues I wasn’t able to resolve so far.
Blog articles with an ampersand ("&") in the title (like “Test & Co”) show a “#38;” character sequence (like “Test & Co
”) in the list of newest blog articles (the Blog.RecentPostsPanel
The page title is correctly shown as “Test & Co” on the article page itself and also in the list of latest changes (Panels.Recently Modified
), though. This is with v9.11.5 of the Blog Application.
The Mocca Calendar Application (v2.8) is broken. It doesn’t show the calendar at all.
It seems, the page can not load the required “moment” JavaScript library.
When accessing a page with the mocca calendar macro, I see a 404 error for the following GET request:
"GET /xwiki/webjars/wiki%3Axwiki/momentjs/2.29.1/min/moment.min/min/moment.min.js HTTP/1.1"
The webjar is installed:
$ ll /usr/lib/xwiki/WEB-INF/lib/momentjs*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 918301 Mar 31 11:58 /usr/lib/xwiki/WEB-INF/lib/momentjs-2.29.1.jar
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1382 Mar 31 11:58 /usr/lib/xwiki/WEB-INF/lib/momentjs-2.29.1.xed
And it also contains the moment.min.js library:
$ unzip -l /usr/lib/xwiki/WEB-INF/lib/momentjs-2.29.1.jar | grep moment.min.js
58862 2020-10-06 05:13 META-INF/resources/webjars/momentjs/2.29.1/min/moment.min.js
But: the path in the GET request seems to be wrong, as it contains an additional “min/moment.min/” prefix which does not match the contents of the webjar. So I’m not surprised it can’t find the required library…
On an older v9.11.4 installation I don’t see any of those issues.
The XWiki 14.2.1 installation is pretty standard according to the docs: it is running on a current Debian Bullseye with Tomcat 9 and a nginx proxy in front. RDBMS is PostgreSQL v13, JVM is OpenJDK v11.0.14
Any suggestion on how to proceed?
- andreas
Here’s an update on issue (1)!
I copied the velocity code to show the recent blog posts from the XWiki Blog pages and put it directly in a sandbox page.
This is the code:
{{include reference="Blog.BlogCode"/}}
#getAllBlogPostsQueryBasedOnDisplayContext($doc $query $queryParams)
#set($query = "$!{query} and isPublished.value = 1 and hidden.value <> 1")
#set ($queryObj = $services.query.hql("${query} order by publishDate.value desc").addFilter("unique"))
#bindQueryParameters($queryObj $queryParams)
#if($queryObj.setLimit(10).setOffset(0).count() > 0 || $showEmptyPanels)
#displayBlogPostsBasedOnContext($doc 'recent' 'link' '' 10)
And guess what: with this code in the sandbox page the page title with the ampersand is rendered correctly!
The HTML code generated for the sandbox page shows:
<h1 class="xwikipaneltitle">Neuste Blog Beiträge</h1>
<div class="xwikipanelcontents">
<ul class="blog-post-layout-link">
<li><span class="fa fa-arrow-right"></span> <span class="wikilink"><a href="/xwiki/bin/view/Blog/Test%20%26%20Co">Test & Co</a></span></li>
And the browser renders the link as
Test & Co
This is what I want, of course.
But with Blog.RecentPostsPanel
on the right menu panel the list shows the following HTML code:
<h1 class="xwikipaneltitle">Neuste Blog Beiträge</h1>
<div class="xwikipanelcontents">
<ul class="blog-post-layout-link">
<li><span class="fa fa-arrow-right"></span> <span class="wikilink"><a href="/xwiki/bin/view/Blog/Test%20%26%20Co">Test &#38; Co</a></span></li>
And the link is rendered by the browser as
Test & Co
You can see clearly that in the menu panel on the right side there are additional amp;
characters in the link text if the title of the blog article contains an ampersand.
Where do these additional characters come from? How can I get rid of them?
Any idea anyone?
Another update on issue (1)…
This issue seems to be identical with Loading...
Here’s an update on issue (2)…
I “fixed” the wrong path in the GET request using a simple redirect rule in NGINX.
This is the redirect rule I currently use for that purpose:
location /xwiki/webjars/wiki:xwiki/momentjs/2.29.1/min/moment.min/min/moment.min.js {
# XWiki Mocca Calendar app uses a wrong path when loading the moment.min.js JavaScript library
# We fix this here by simply redirecting the browser from the wrong path to the correct one...
# Note: this has to be adjusted every time when XWiki is updated with a new version of the momentjs library
# (or when the bug is finally fixed in the Mocca calendar app)
# Added by AH, 19.04.2022
return 301 /xwiki/webjars/wiki:xwiki/momentjs/2.29.1/min/moment.min.js;
And this is the effect when XWiki tries to load the calendar app as can be seen in the NGINX logfile: first the browser tries to load moment.bin.js
using the wrong path, gets a 301 and then uses the correct path and the server successfully delivers the library with a 200 status code: - - [19/Apr/2022:17:54:40 +0200] "GET /xwiki/webjars/wiki%3Axwiki/momentjs/2.29.1/min/moment.min/min/moment.min.js HTTP/1.1" 301 169 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.96 Safari/537.36" - - [19/Apr/2022:17:54:40 +0200] "GET /xwiki/webjars/wiki:xwiki/momentjs/2.29.1/min/moment.min.js HTTP/1.1" 200 58930 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.96 Safari/537.36"
An now the calendar is properly rendered in the browser…
I think this could be a sufficient solution until the bug is fixed in the Mocca calendar app.
- andreas