Update / publish labels translation localization

I tried switching XWiki locale to my language (Italian) and spotted a few untranslated labels, i.e. in the applications panel:


or in the page menu:


I fond the Translations API extension, but I have a couple of questions:

  • where do I enter the translation for the key shown?
  • will any translation be kept when upgrading to a new XWiki version?
  • do translations stay private or will / could be published so that new versions can ship with them?


so the best way to contribute to translations is by contributing on https://l10n.xwiki.org: this way the translations will be shipped directly in next releases of XWiki and you’re guaranteed to get them in next upgrades.

Now if you want the translations right away in your wiki and not wait for the upgrade once you put them on l10n.xwiki.org, easiest way is to create a new page with an TranslationDocumentClass xobject set to global (see: Localization Module (XWiki.org)), and to put all your translations in that wiki page. If you use some custom page it shouldn’t be erased by an upgrade.

Hope that helps.