Using tables and classes

I created a class with more attributes which represent the columns of a table. I need to write data in that table and also to get data from the table such that i will can compute an average for example (with that values) and after that i want to put/write the result in the same table.
The page I have created using the class contains the attributes of the class, which I can modify, but I need the table.
So, my question is:
How can I make the table such that I will can write in it and get data from it? Also, how can I export that table as pdf document?

Thank you!

WDYM by “created a class”? An xclass?

Yes. She refers to the fact that she created a xwiki class (xclass).

Yes, an xclass

Yes, an xclass

ok so you’re using scripting to generate the table syntax. You can do whatever you want in a script and perform any computation you want. What’s the problem?

I want to make the table so I can add data from the html page, but I don’t know how to make the dynamic table. Can you help me with a link?

Example (using XWiki 2.0+ syntax):

#foreach ($i in [1..10])


You should read:

I make this table. I want that when I click on a cell to can introduce some data from the keyword and then that data to remain saved in the cell / table. I don’t want to introduce data in the table from cod. So how can I do that?

So you want to be able to edit the table in view mode? Because the normal way is to edit the page…

I don’t think there’s any supported extension for your use case but you could check:

I created a class “Student” and more pages. Each page contains an object of type “Student” class. How can I do to display all objects from all pages (which are of type “Student” class) in a single page?

Something like this:

Hi, maybe you should check out the FAQ tutorial at and especially

This is my class:

I wrote the following code, but I get an error, what’s wrong?

    #set($xwql = "from doc.object(IP-MODUL4.EvaluareStudentClass) as Student where doc.fullName <> 'IP-MODUL4.EvaluareStudentTemplate'")
    #set($results = $services.query.xwql($xwql).execute())
      No Student has been created yet!
      #foreach ($item in $results)
        #set($Student = $xwiki.getDocument($item))
       #foreach($prop in $ ## go through all properties
        * ${prop.prettyName} $Student.display($prop.getName())