What skin/theme does the xwiki.org site use?


What skin/theme does the live xwiki.org site use?
Whatever it is, is it available in version 9.7?


XWiki .org doesn’t have a special skin that it’s using. It’s build on top of Flamingo Skin, but with several changes: custom Flamingo Themes for each subwiki; custom homepage with several macros (carousel, latest blog, reference, etc), custom menu and footer. That’s about it.

Unfortunately it is not packaged as an usable Flavor that could just be installed with all the customizations, but you can inspect the code on xwiki .org and duplicate what you are interested in.

You need to be a bit more specific in what you like about xwiki .org’s “skin”.

Thank you very helpful. Was out of curiosity. I’ll take a look and see how easy it is to create custom themes with different colors/fonts.


If you are interested in just colors and fonts you can use the Flamingo Themes App.

If you want to add custom CSS, use the Skin Extensions. For more advanced stuff like changing completely the layout, you need to use the Skin Application.

Have fun :slight_smile:

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