I am trying to run the standalone XWiki 10.3 on my OSX 10.13, on which I have Java 9. From my readings it seems that there is issues running with Java 9, but nowhere I found that XWiki would not even start.
When I run start_xwiki.sh I get the message “Starting Jetty on port 8080, please wait…
This version of XWiki requires Java 8 or greater.”
Does it mean that XWiki won’t run with Java 9…?
Thanks for your help
Correct, XWiki has not really been tested with Java9 yet, see http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Documentation/AdminGuide/Installation/#HHardwareandSoftwarerequirements
I haven’t tried myself but indeed I would also have expected XWiki to at least start
No errors in your xwiki logs/tomcat logs/etc?
Thanks for your answer.
I could not find the logs… Where to find them?
Anyone to help me finding the logs…?
In the standalone package everything XWiki write goes to data/
folder and in that folder you have a logs/
Thanks for your answer
I checked the folder xwiki/data/logs, and it’s empty…
Empty would mean you never started this XWiki instance since you always have some log even if everything is OK (no error log but at least some info log).
Yes I agree, it did not start, because it stops in the start_xwiki.sh file. When it checks for the version of Java (tag “# Check version of Java”), it exits prompting the “This version of XWiki requires Java 8 or greater.”.
Can’t I call Java 8 instead of Java 9 (which is set as JAVA_HOME) ?
So far I’ve found references of Homebrew and JEnv, that could help manage Java version… But at the moment I don’t know how to use them.
Can’t I do something like SET JAVA_HOME=(JDK Loc) in the *.sh file…?
What does java -version
gives you ? It’s possible the script expect 1.*
and I think Java 9 is now displayed as 9 and not 1.8 like it used to be.
If that’s the case the bug is in the following line: xwiki-platform/xwiki-platform-tools/xwiki-platform-tool-jetty/xwiki-platform-tool-jetty-resources/src/main/resources/start_xwiki.sh at master · xwiki/xwiki-platform · GitHub
java -version gives:
java version “9.0.1”
Java™ SE Runtime Environment (build 9.0.1+11)
Java HotSpot™ 64-Bit Server VM (build 9.0.1+11, mixed mode)
I also suspected the bug you mention.
Should I modify the *.sh file and skip the Java version checking…?
That would be a workaround on your side yes. Could you also report the bug on Loading... to not forget about it.
I modified the script to not exit on checking Java version, I have been able to start XWiki
Just to mention that, after that, it was not so easy to find out what was the password of the Admin account…
Thanks for your help
_ps : bug report created : Loading...
It’s indicated on http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Documentation/AdminGuide/Installation/InstallationStandalone/ which is linked from the download page.
Thanks ! But it would be much better in English since many of us don’t read French
Yes, you are right, but I didn’t saw it. I think it is because the page is about Installing, and that when I was questionning myself about the Admin password I was already Using XWiki…
What about a popup on first run, stating the default password and suggesting to change it?
Anyway, everything is fine for me, thanks for your help
There is a jira isue about that I think but we are not making much effort because in production oriented packages you are asked for the credential you want for the first admin user. This default user is only for the demo package.
Of course a pull request to improve that is welcome