Hi there,
have configured XWikiTube and its decoding but after decoding the videos it always stops processing at Manifestfile with “in progress” - forever. XWiki 15.1 at Ubuntu 20.04 with required video pakets installed. Any hint? Thanks!
Tried to reinstall all again, compile ffmpeg again as mentioned here but it stays the same. Any hints, alternatives?
Hello @moses,
I’m not familiar with this extension but do you have some logs (client side or server side) to share with us?
The will probably increase the chances to have an useful answer
Thanks mleduc,
no sry as i’m not used to tomcat/java i have no idea where to find… Just getting into the xWiki concept now…
Also note that this extension is not supported by the XWiki core devs (we don’t know that extension). It’s been developed by a contributor (@mouhb ), see the “developed by” section at https://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/XWikiTube
I don’t know the status of this extension, i.e. whether it’s supposed to work or not.
Oh thanks, so instead of building our new learing video course on a may not supported extension I’ll find another solution then to get in the videos. Thanks!