Category | Topics |
DevelopmentEverything related to the development of XWiki itself or extensions to XWiki. This is not to be confused with development questions related to the usage of XWiki (such as scripting in wiki pages) which should go to the Help/Discuss Category.
MyXWiki.orgUse this category to request a wiki on See instructions and limitations on It’s also used to discuss specific problems. You should also consider using XWiki Cloud from XWiki SAS.
Help / DiscussGet answers to questions, ask for help, suggest ideas for improvements for the XWiki software. Or even thank the XWiki developers
XWiki Web SitesPromote your XWiki instance and help the XWiki project by showing what can be done with it! Please help out by also registering your use case. This helps a lot.
InfrastructureTo be used to report/discuss infrastructure issues or maintenance operations for the * infrastructure.
CristalEverything related to the development of Cristal. This is not to be confused with the development of XWiki which should go to the Development Category, or with development questions related to the usage of XWiki (such as scripting in wiki pages) which should go to the Help/Discuss Category.
MiscUse this category when your topic doesn’t fit in any other category. For example: introducing yourself to the community.
TranslationsHelp translate XWiki, get help on using the Translation Wiki, suggest ideas related to improving translations.
News & EventsThis category used to contain news about the XWiki ecosystem (releases, announcements, etc) and events related to XWiki.