A new article about XWiki

Thanks again @atripp.

Some style comments if you have the energy to fix them:

  • When using the code macro you could always specify the language as otherwise 2 problems occur: 1) performance is dropped a lot since pygments needs the analyze the content to try to infer the language and 2) in a lot of cases the wrong language will be inferred. Thus for velocity content for ex, always use language='velocity' for velocity content (you’ll see that it’ll remove all the red boxes for example ;)). Added to https://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Community/DocGuide#HMacros
  • When using links please always use wiki link syntax and not URLs since 1) this means that if we rename pages in the future links specified as URL won’t be refactored automatically and 2) URL links are indicated as external links which is not correct since the links are internal. See https://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Community/DocGuide#HLinking
  • Using ##…## everywhere would be great as it makes the code more readable IMO. I learnt this with my editor at Manning when I wrote my JUnit in Action book :wink:



To be honest, I think that looks confusing:

One difference is that the FAQ tutorial involves a very trivial object: a FAQ object contains just two things: a “question” and an “answer”, while this example uses a Person object that has more properties (##name##,##age##,##sex##, etc.)

Hmm…now I see that ##this## is XWiki syntax for monospace, but I don’t see why it’s not rendering properly.

I can help. Do you have an example where there’s a problem?

  • language=‘velocity’ didn’t work for me. Could it be that ‘velocity’ is not a supported language? I’ve changed it to ‘none’ for now.
  • I’ve used xwiki link syntax where I could, but can’t seem to get that to work for links like: https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/ScriptingDocumentation/
    I also added to your style guide page, telling users to look in the Information tab for the “id” of a page. Suggestion: would be nice to also list the wiki name in the Information tab. Also, for some reason, it doesn’t seem to work when I use parameters. For example, this link doesn’t work: xwiki:Documentation.UserGuide.Features.XWikiSyntax.WebHome?syntax=2.1&section=Groups

it is supported and I tried it on that page before mentioning it :wink:

EDIT: Just re-tested it and it works, see https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Documentation/DevGuide/Tutorials/Creating%20A%20Contact%20Manager%20Application/?viewer=changes&rev1=37.1&rev2=37.2&

For this URL the document reference is ScriptingDocumentation.WebHome.

Yes the syntax is not correct for xwiki/2.1. It should be: [[label>>Documentation.UserGuide.Features.XWikiSyntax.WebHome||queryString='syntax=2.1&section=Groups']]. See https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Documentation/UserGuide/Features/XWikiSyntax/?syntax=2.1&section=Links

When I change the very first paragraph here:

It’s rendering as:
… (##name##, ##age##, ##sex##, etc.)

I’ve just changed it here and it looks ok: https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Documentation/DevGuide/Tutorials/Creating%20A%20Contact%20Manager%20Application/?viewer=changes&rev1=37.2&rev2=37.3&

The Link https://propaganda-tactics.com/xwiki/bin/view/About/The%20Power%20of%20XWiki/ is dead, I would’ve loved to read it.
Is the dead article the created tutorial Page https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Documentation/DevGuide/Tutorials/Creating%20A%20Contact%20Manager%20Application/ or was it something different?

basically, yes.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Thanks, I’ve now removed it from https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/ExternalLinks?viewer=changes&rev1=67.2&rev2=67.3& since the link is broken.

@atripp let me know if it’s available elsewhere. I’d love to put it back and link it! Thx