What fields names did you use ?
Your post lack of some details to better help you.
Could you, please, provide this info ?
You can look at the Class details (the page of the CountryClass), and get the proper name of the field you have created.
You find there the usual name, and the internal name of the property … for your field.
For the fields of the Class, you put the name directly.
“shortText1” => Put shortText1 in VALUE FIELD NAME
(No doc in front of it).
For the time being, from my experimentation : the VALUE FIELD NAME allow some ShortString, LargeString, and suprisingly : StaticList value…
Boolean : no access… (suprisingly).
But may be I did not write the proper reference to it…
May be you can access these other columns with some Hibernate Query.
But I don’t know exactly how.
See my post for indication of where to look in the doc and tutorials.
There no really documentation about how to use those Database List.
The documentation is basic, and just show one basic example (and tells you : put this in this field, … but no explaination of how it works really inside).
With basic info : how to do it for a ShortString field,… but not for the title of the AWM instance…
I hope this will be enhanced.
I can’t do any proposal now, as I don’t know yet how to do it with a ComputedField too…
Hope it helps,