Errors and Warnings in Logfile

I don’t think I ever used 10.8RC1 at least not that I know.
I don’t have any table like notification_filter_preferences.

mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_xwiki               |
| activitystream_events         |
| activitystream_events_status  |
| activitystream_events_targets |
| feeds_aggregatorgroup         |
| feeds_aggregatorurl           |
| feeds_aggregatorurlgroups     |
| feeds_feedentry               |
| feeds_feedentrytags           |
| feeds_keyword                 |
| mailsender_events             |
| xwikiattachment               |
| xwikiattachment_archive       |
| xwikiattachment_content       |
| xwikiattrecyclebin            |
| xwikicomments                 |
| xwikidates                    |
| xwikidbversion                |
| xwikidoc                      |
| xwikidoubles                  |
| xwikifloats                   |
| xwikiid                       |
| xwikiintegers                 |
| xwikilargestrings             |
| xwikilinks                    |
| xwikilistitems                |
| xwikilists                    |
| xwikilock                     |
| xwikilongs                    |
| xwikiobjects                  |
| xwikipreferences              |
| xwikiproperties               |
| xwikircs                      |
| xwikirecyclebin               |
| xwikispace                    |
| xwikistatsdoc                 |
| xwikistatsreferer             |
| xwikistatsvisit               |
| xwikistrings                  |
38 rows in set (0.00 sec)