How to increase active installs of XWiki?


Thanks for your answers and to share your thoughts.

Sorry but I’m not comfortable (like you are!) to exchange ideas using a written forum :yum:.

Some personal “key” ideas:

My point of view is: instead of promoting again XWiki to “tech / geeks / developpers …” which is already done as far as it can be; my suggestion is to try to touch an other audience like persons or little groups who are seeking to “spread / share” content they produced by themselves.

Larger use of (even if it’s more a “test” platform than a “free hosting” solution :smiley:) can help in 2 ways:

  1. In some case the hosted content can be partially public and can be discovered (with the help of web search engine like Google) and if these “public” users both find the content and the tool convenient … they should, at their turn, create their own wiki => increasing active installs :heart_eyes:.
  2. When authors of a Wiki hosted on will have reached myxwiki limits (in stability or datas storage volume or what ever …) they should consider having their “own wiki” either with xwiki cloud offering or with on-premise install => increasing active installs (bis) :heart_eyes:.

I know it sounds like a looong process to promote xwiki with “public samples” of working wikis but I think it’s worth it.

PS: thanks for your work (with Thomas) on (it’s up again now) ; your explanations on it’s real nature (more a test platform) and your transparency about the technical issues raised by this farm (current xwiki architecture is not yet able to perfectly handled farm).

PS2: I personally consider myself as just an “advanced myxwiki user” and my personal contribution is limited to the following: translation, bug reports, improvements … I think you can not expect more collaboration from any active “myxwiki” user like me :innocent:.