I have a problem regarding the Wiki Manager API

Thanks for your reply @tmortagne,

My understanding is that the Wiki Manager should be responsible for the creation and deletion of wikis. By sending requests to the /wikimanager endpoint, XWiki would then create a job that executes the request.

We want to include XWiki for our product as an alternative for Confluence. Automating behaviour of XWiki through REST calls is therefore very important for us.

As of now many API’s work for us (e.g. editing users/roles/pages/…), though the core functionality for us would be the API for the WikiManager (create/delete/manage wikis…).

Because there is not much documentation on what the WikiManager accepts as parameters, i made this simple approach by just checking what is being sent back and forth, when manually creating a Wiki.


  • My approach is currently not a robust solution, because it doesn’t work every time.
  • We need to set the flavor automatically aswell, therefore the following convention is not sufficient:
<wiki xmlns="http://www.xwiki.org">
  <description>Some description of the wiki</description>


  1. It would be very helpful for us, if you could provide us with the information, that we miss on the parameters for the REST call.
  2. And i wanted to ask, whether the REST documentation will be updated in the near future (e.g. examples for each endpoint), so that one can get a better understanding of each endpoint

Thanks in advance :grin: