Install applications etc without existing management applications

I’ve just installed an empty xwiki. I can’t administer it, because there’s no Administration Application.
Instead I get offered a simple ‘Import’ page. Is that for importing applications?
Assuming it is - where do I find the correct version of the Administration Application? The link provided goes to v15.1, but I installed v14.10.5 (LTS) of xwiki.


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As suggested on Installing XWiki .war package manually ( the first time you access your wiki after installing the WAR (whatever the type of package you used to install this WAR) you are supposed to get a wizard which main job is to let you create the initial administration user and install the flavor (which contains, among other things, an administration UI to install other extensions).

Yes - I chose not to install the flavor, but go ahead with an empty wiki. Since that seemed to be a valid option, I assume there’s also a way to install extensions from that state - including, if required, a flavor. Whether that’s by importing packages, or running something from the command line, I don’t really mind.

If there’s no way to do that, is there a way to re-run the Distribution Wizard?

There is no extension install UI in a totally empty wiki right now. You can only import pages, but it’s not enough to install a complex dependency tree like the standard flavor.

You can delete the status which store the fact that you don’t want any flavor. It’s located in <permdir>/jobs/status/distribution/ (/var/lib/xwiki/data/jobs/status/distribution/ with the Debian package)

Thanks - deleting that file didn’t seem to work, but dropping and recreating the database did :slightly_smiling_face:
