SSL Reverse Proxy documentation for Apache


I am not sure I can do so.

But, yet,…

In the page :

The sentence :

See ApacheHTTPD for a producting setup example with Apache HTTP Server.

is not clear.

Suggestion :

For setup example with Apache HTTP Server, in production : ApacheHTTPD.

(if “a producting setup example” is what it means : for prod ?).

The page Setting up the Apache HTTP Server Proxy in the doc is giving good explaination.

It seems to me that :

Workaround for 58001 – Implement Forwarded header (RFC 7239) to mod_proxy_http (ProxyPreserveHost does not includes Forwarded)
RequestHeader set Forwarded “proto=https”

is not needed anymore.
See : Bug 61234
Summary: Add X-Forwarded-Proto to backend requests

but this need to be checked and confirmed

In the documentation page, the config is for SSL and Https secured reverse proxy way.
With Tomcat.

My sample is for Http on port 80, for quick and easy configuration with some Apache Httpd server in front.
With Jetty.

Nice for quick and easy setup and testing something.
For dev (with Httpd server in place) or for some trials of miscellanous configuration before to go to Integration => Pre-prod => Prod.

This config is running ok with some SSL and Https in the front (port 443 on Apache Httpd), and the reverse proxy running with simple http en port 8080 to Jetty.
Though I never did intensive testing nor prod run like that.

I took some of it in this post :
SSL With Jetty in Standard Flavor Pre-installed

I added the ability to serve some static pages.
To be able to setup and renew the SSL Certificates, and to serve a few static html or php pages aside with the wiki.