Tag macros contrib repo

Thanks, I had forgotten it was controlled by the “show hidden docs” config param.

Both extensions has been released! :smiley:

You can find them here:

@cdesableau awesome! It would be great if you could announce it in the forum under the “News” category at https://forum.xwiki.org/c/news/11

PS: I think it would be better to add documentation first with examples and screenshots! :slight_smile: for documentation guidelines, please see XWiki Contrib (XWiki.org) )


And release notes, see XWiki Contrib (XWiki.org)

we’ve undone this release as it was done without the upper bound on the tag module dependency (because of a maven bug), so we’re back to the drawing board about how to make an extension that overwrites a page of the standard distribution.

it was supposed to be something like this Apache Maven Enforcer Built-In Rules – Version Range Specification but apparently [MNG-3092] Resolution of version ranges with non-snapshot bounds can resolve to a snapshot version - ASF JIRA is breaking the snapshot build.

We’ll keep you posted!

Ok thanks for the info. I’m familiar with the Maven ranges but what I was not sure was whether the XWiki EM supports it or not. I don’t think I’ve ever used it.


You manually removed it from the maven/extension repositories? I’m asking because normally we cannot undo a release.

@caubin did that part, i’ll let him answer.

BTW I see that Loading... and Loading... are closed. Should they be reopened?

Tagged pages is fine and stays released, so Loading... is fine.

for Loading... … well it depends.
The features described in the ticket are indeed committed, so it would make sense to close the issue.
However, the title of the ticket says “initial release” so, indeed, there is no initial release…

I updated the ticket now to make it talk about the initial version of the work and the features of this first version instead of talking about the release.