What's New Feature in XS

It only supports a single category ATM. I had created Loading... earlier when I started working on the what’s new feature. In any case, there are more criterias than just the category (see all for*() and with*() methods in NewsSource.java. But yes, we could imagine that this filtering will be done server side with query string parameters at some point. Only problem ATM is that I would prefer to not introduce a contrib app and have to code filtering there. Maybe that could be added after the MVP.

Okay, I hadn’t in mind these complex filtering options but just the simple categories under “What’s New for XS”. With these complex options, it’s indeed not so easy. Still, I think we need server-side filtering unless we accept that the news client needs to download all blog entries that were ever published.

Yes, I agree. We need it server side to work well. I guess it’ll just mean that the xwikiorg source won’t support some filtering options FTM (and will only allow filtering one category at a time until we fix Loading...).

I’ll add it to the design page as a requirement for the xwiki.org contrib app for what’s new.

Sounds good.

Now done at https://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Community/Governance?viewer=changes&rev1=6.3&rev2=7.1&