Xwiki 10.5 entended cpu spike while adding new pages

It’s not when you are converting an old confluence wiki to xwiki by hand.

I wished I could have used the converter, but with the amount of cleanup required, it was actually easier to to recreate the pages and then cut and paste the pages from old to the new.

What “problems” did I have with the confluence converter?

  • the xwiki code inherited a lot of markup garbage from the confluence pages, requiring extensive cleanup. (faster to cut and paste funnily enough)
  • the document tree structure wasn’t preserved - which would require reorganizing the hierarchy after importing, so I took this opportunity to go through each of the pages to see if they were still needed.

So, 700+ pages? Not a problem in this case.

Actually it is preserved but using the old parent/child relationship (which is actually what you have on Confluence) but AFAIK you could have used https://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Nested%20Pages%20Migrator%20Application.